“Anyone who knows me, knows I’m a very anxious person, around the clock! If there is something to worry about, I’m already worrying about worrying about it! November 9, I had the opportunity to spend the day at Crystal Bliss... I was able to see, touch, and learn about each crystal. I arrived at 9am and by 2pm, I could not force a negative thought or a worry into my mind. I have not felt so calm and carefree in years! When I left at 4pm, the sense of peace I had was amazing. The feeling lasted all the way through Saturday afternoon. I’ve never been much of a believer in things like this, but I am just blown away at the effect the crystals had on me and how powerful they really are!”
— Lindsay Orlando, EnviroWell, LLC.
“ My husband and I each have a Crystal Bliss water bottle - we both absolutely LOVE! His is Black Obsidian, for his stressful job and mine is Amethyst to enhance my spiritual awareness.”
— Jessica Cummins
“Dawn is devoted to sharing what she is learning about the healing power of crystals! I keep and give her crystals as meaningful life gifts to loved ones-especially her rose quartz hearts!!”
— Christine McMahon Tumpson
Write to us and tell me your crystal stories @ dawn@crystalbliss.com